My little brother Neil is watching me inspect my new sewing basket.

My 11th birthday. I must have been into sewing at the time as I received a sewing box.

Ah the beach. This beach was literally a stone's throw from our trailer we lived in. Only a couple times a year was the water actually warm enough to go swimming. This was one of those times. I don't like swimming in the ocean any more though. It was this same beach when I was about 13 or 14 that I got pulled out in a riptide. A friend's dad saw what happened and came and got me. It really scared the tar out of me.

This was my 4th grade class from about November 1980-June 1981. My teacher was Mr. Pearl. He was a really nice teacher and I liked him a lot. We went on all kinds of field trips. The one that stands out the most was to Shi Shi beach. My Dad went with the class and we hiked for a long time then had to go down a really, really steep hill. We ended up on the beach. There were a couple cool caves and tidal pools. It was really a neat place. I would like to go back someday. Some of the kids in my class lived at the Air Force base just outside town. There were only a couple school buses for the whole school. The in-town bus and the country bus. Everyone else walked - they lived close to the school. It was a very small school district.
The first November we were here the Makah tribe had this ceremony of sorts in the school cafeteria. The 4th grade was in charge of preparing the mussells. I did actually try one. They were horrible.
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