Thursday, June 19, 2008

1994 - on a date

This picture was in the spring of 1994. This is the only picture of Russell and I before our engagment and wedding pictures. We were at the Japanese Gardens here in Portland Oregon. We look so young!

Backtracking to 1990

We have some really special Christmas pictures here. The year is 1990. We were part of a program that allowed Russian or Ukraine refugees to come to the United States to live. We were their host family. They lived with us for a 2-3 months I believe. They were so excited for the Christmas tradition and the presents they received. You can see the look of pure joy on their faces. Left picture L-R Karen (D for Dysart), Lynda D, Tatyana Chevel, Nicholi Chevel, Neil D and Joseph D. Right picture L-R Lynda D, Tatyana C and Nicholi C.
Tatyana didn't speak English. She carried around a book that translated Russian into American and Mom carried around a book that translated American into Russian. They were able to communicate this way. This is Tatyana helping with the mending.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


This was taken in March 1992. Just before I sent in my mission papers. They needed a full length shot and this also happens to be my favorite. For those of you don't know - I received my mission call just before General Conference in April 1992. It was actually that Saturday session in the afternoon that I went to the post office to get my mail. I went to the Texas Houston East Mission and served from July 8 1992 - 16 February 1994. There is a whole "book" dedicated just to my mission journal entries, pictures and letters. I compiled them with Russell's mission journals, pictures and letters as we wrote to each other for 3 1/2 years. I left for my mission in July 1992 - he came home from his in November 1992.

1990 - 1991

Our family portrait in 1990. L-R back row is Jessica, James, Lynda, Candace, Neil. Front row L-R is Dad, Mom holding Joseph, Karen and Becky.

Spring 1991. I took my little sister Becky and little brother Joe to the zoo. I am looking quite overweight here. I will say I worked as head cook for a nursing home and taste-testing the food sure didn't help my figure! Over time - I did manage to lose it though. Whew!

29 June 1991. My birthday. There were some problems going on at home so I opted to spend the day with friends at the beach. I think I might have told my parents where I was going and who I was going with. I don't remember. I just remember turning 20 and feeling very independent. Left to right we have Darice Drollinger, Robin Tanner, me, Sandy McDonald, Darren, Heidi Beck, Delvonna Fisk and Rick Buhler. We were at the Seaside, Oregon beach.

Another fun group shot. Left to right...Darice Drollinger, me, Robin Tanner, Rick Buhler. The bottom picture is me having a fun time in the water. Despite the cloudy, overcast day - the weather was surprisingly calm. The water was very warm. I had a great birthday that year.

1989 - High School Graduation

Well this is my high school graduation. I made it! This is my friend Brian Berglund.

Below and to the right are a couple more friends I had in high school as well. We have Jenny Sah, Adina Birchfield and Lauri Modjeski. I was locker partners with Adina our Junior year and Laurie our Senior year.

My graduation procession partner was Bill. Here we are marching to our seats.

This is one of those "professional" pictures they take at graduation hoping you'll fork over a ton to remember the special day.

After I received my diploma. Here I am with my dad Douglas and my sister Lynda. (She's the one in the wedding pics on my main blog.)

My Aunt Connie came up from Tuscon, Arizona to come to my graduation. Funny thing is...I went to her high school graduation!

Here I am again with my mom Marie (black dress) and my Aunt Pati. She and Uncle Lance flew out from Michigan.

1988 - A visit to Cape Flattery

My Junior year in High School - we went to visit my mom during Spring Break. We took a hike out to Cape Flattery, Neah Bay, Washington where they lived. It really was a beautiful place. There is a lighthouse there to let boats know it's a dangerous area. Whales can be seen here as well.

The red sweater I am wearing - the sleeves were a bit tight under the arms - but my mom made it for me. :) It was toasty warm and perfect to wear on this day!

Saturday, June 7, 2008


We had moved from Virginia back to the west. We were in Oregon now. This is my Junior year high school picture.

1984 or 1985 - can't remember

I believe this was on my 12th birthday. We were visiting Mom for the summer and we were down at the beach having a hotdog roast.
This was taken during one of the summer visits to Mom. I didn't label the back of the picture so I am not certain of the year. Oops!


This was taken in November 1983. We lived in Manassas, Virginia.
This was taken in the fall of 1983 right before we moved to Manassas, Virginia. Mom wanted Lynda, Neil, Becky and I to have pictures done at the school before we left. Dad had remarried to Sherril Ann Salts and he got a job in Washington D.C.


My 5th grade class. My teacher was Mrs. Giovane. She was a good teacher. There were a couple new kids in the class from the Air Force base - but that was pretty normal for them to come and go. Joan was the class helper.
I turned 11 this year. This is also the summer Mom and Dad divorced. Dad made my birthday cake this year. I had a slumber party as well. My first one ever! Guess what I got for my birthday? A fishing pole and tackle box! I was so excited! Dad would let Lynda and I ride in the back of the truck to go fishing. Well one time I was holding my fishing pole and dad hit a bump. That was the end of my fishing pole. I sat on it and it broke. I never did get another one. My tackle box came in handy though. Sometimes Lynda and I would ride our little Schwinn bikes the 5 miles to the hatchery where dad worked. We would bring him his lunch in our tackle boxes! lol We usually made him is favorite of peanut butter, mayo and pickles.

My and my fishing pole and tackle box.

Summer 1981

My grade school picture in Neah Bay, Washington.

Here I am with Grandpa John. We went to visit Grandpa and Grandma in the summer in Jerome, Idaho. He took Lynda and I to his son's house and we got to ride a pony and a horse. Grandpa always reminded me of John Wayne when he wore his cowboy hat!

1982 - more 11th birthday stuff

My little brother Neil is watching me inspect my new sewing basket.
My 11th birthday. I must have been into sewing at the time as I received a sewing box.

Ah the beach. This beach was literally a stone's throw from our trailer we lived in. Only a couple times a year was the water actually warm enough to go swimming. This was one of those times. I don't like swimming in the ocean any more though. It was this same beach when I was about 13 or 14 that I got pulled out in a riptide. A friend's dad saw what happened and came and got me. It really scared the tar out of me.

This was my 4th grade class from about November 1980-June 1981. My teacher was Mr. Pearl. He was a really nice teacher and I liked him a lot. We went on all kinds of field trips. The one that stands out the most was to Shi Shi beach. My Dad went with the class and we hiked for a long time then had to go down a really, really steep hill. We ended up on the beach. There were a couple cool caves and tidal pools. It was really a neat place. I would like to go back someday. Some of the kids in my class lived at the Air Force base just outside town. There were only a couple school buses for the whole school. The in-town bus and the country bus. Everyone else walked - they lived close to the school. It was a very small school district.

The first November we were here the Makah tribe had this ceremony of sorts in the school cafeteria. The 4th grade was in charge of preparing the mussells. I did actually try one. They were horrible.

1980 - moving on.

This was our last Easter in Anderson, California. We moved after school started in the fall to Neah Bay, Washington. An Indian reservation for the Makah Indians. Dad was the Fish Hatchery manager there. It is located in the very Northwestern tip of Washington State.
October 1980. We hadn't moved quite yet. I do remember we had this picture taken right after school. I remember being all hot and sweaty from playing on the playground - and then having to wear this silly blouse with the bow in front. I was also mad that Lynda got to hold Becky and I didn't. Back row: Lynda, Candace. Front row: Rebecca (Becky - age 1 month), Neil (age 2).

Christmas 1980 in our trailer in Neah Bay, Washington. I got this really cool fashion plate design center that made lots of different combinations. I played with this for a lot of years. It was well used. Lynda got one too.

1979 - The year I turned 8.

This picture was at Grandma and Grandpa Dysart's house in Walla Walla, Washington. It was Thanksgiving. I don't know who is on the left - but then there is my dad, mom and Aunt Nancy. They all look like they are in a turkey coma.
Easter 1979. The fish hatchery always had an Easter egg hunt for the kids there. Here I am collecting eggs. We lived in Anderson, California for the last time.

I turned 8! Grandma and Grandpa Stone were there because I was getting baptized! I had a German Chocolate cake with Coconut Pecan Frosting. This would be the first of many years to follow as it is my most favorite cake of all!

I got a journal - which I still have.

And a Book of Remembrance. Which I also still have. This is my Grandma Stone with me.

1978 was not a very busy year (in the way of pictures that is...)

This would be my 2nd grade school picture. My two front teeth were just coming in and there was a HUGE gap. Eventually over the years it did go away - without braces fortunately. However - when I was little it was the source of a lot of embarrassment for me.

The summer of 1978 was fun as usual. We played in the pool all summer long. Dad and Mom always put it up on one day - usually after Dad got home from work. Then we had to wait until after lunch each day to play in it. This pool provided hours of fun playtime for Lynda and I.

This is my 7th birthday. That cake looks an awful lot like a store-bought one. Maybe it was!

July 1978 - Pioneer Day. Our church - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints celebrates Pioneer Day in July. We are celebrating the time the early Saints made it to the Salt Lake Valley in Utah. Each ward (congregation) or Stake (usually 6-8 wards) has some kind of celebration such as a potluck and games or hay rides and stations doing various "pioneer" activities. Mom made us these matching yellow pioneer outfits.

December 1978

Lynda and I sitting on the couch with our Christmas stockings. Mom made these. She is a pretty crafty lady.

I got one of the really cool baking kits as well. I used up the ingredients rather quickly I thought.