This would be my 2nd grade school picture. My two front teeth were just coming in and there was a HUGE gap. Eventually over the years it did go away - without braces fortunately. However - when I was little it was the source of a lot of embarrassment for me.

The summer of 1978 was fun as usual. We played in the pool all summer long. Dad and Mom always put it up on one day - usually after Dad got home from work. Then we had to wait until after lunch each day to play in it. This pool provided hours of fun playtime for Lynda and I.

This is my 7th birthday. That cake looks an awful lot like a store-bought one. Maybe it was!

July 1978 - Pioneer Day. Our church - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints celebrates Pioneer Day in July. We are celebrating the time the early Saints made it to the Salt Lake Valley in Utah. Each ward (congregation) or Stake (usually 6-8 wards) has some kind of celebration such as a potluck and games or hay rides and stations doing various "pioneer" activities. Mom made us these matching yellow pioneer outfits.

December 1978

Lynda and I sitting on the couch with our Christmas stockings. Mom made these. She is a pretty crafty lady.
I got one of the really cool baking kits as well. I used up the ingredients rather quickly I thought.
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